+4 0745 098 419
The main aims of the project is to capacitate the civic society employees in the partner countries to adapt their work and tools to the real needs of the refugees from the target groups and increase the linguistic skills and mental health of Ukrainian adult refugees.
The objectives of our project are:
The results of this activity will be:
– 15 NGO/social workers from Romania, Bulgaria, Poland capacitated in working with Ukrainian adult refugees in their community
– increased knowledge and skills of 15 NGO/social workers from Romania, Bulgaria, Poland to support linguistic and mental wellbeing of Ukrainian refugees they work with
– a raised awareness among 15 NGO/social workers from Romania, Bulgaria, Poland on the real actual needs of their target group
– adapted working methods with Ukrainian adult refugees
Visul nostru este de a ajuta cât mai mulți oameni ai străzii să ducă o viață mai bună. Proiectele noastre se conturează în această zonă, de a oferi ajutor oamenilor fără adăpost.
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